Extortion Scam: You've been HACKED. You might want to see this.

You've been HACKED. You might want to see this. This is my last warning. I write you since I attached a trojan on the web site.

Attcking email

Complete Email

Hi there,

This is my last warning.

I write you since I attached a trojan on the web site with porno which you have viewed. My trojan captured all your private data and switched on your camera which recorded the act of your solitary sex. Just after that the trojan saved your contact list. I will erase the compromising video records and info if you transfer 900 United States Dollars in Bitcoin. This is address for payment:


I give you 36 hours after you open my message for making the payment. As soon as you read the message I'll see it right away. It is not necessary to tell me that you have sent money to me. This address is connected to you, my system will erased automatically after transfer confirmation.

If you don't pay, I'll send dirt to all your contacts. Let me remind you - I see what you're doing. If you try to decieve me, I'll know it immediately. I don't live in your country. Bye. Don't forget about the shame and to ignore, your life can be ruined.

Red Flags

The email you received contains multiple red flags indicating it is a phishing attempt or an extortion scam:

  1. Threatening Sender Name and Email Address: The sender's name, "You've been HACKED", and the email address from an unknown domain (orbo@vqwl.sisticbuzz.com) are designed to instill fear and urgency, which is a common tactic in scam emails.

  2. Alarming Subject Line: The subject "You might want to see this" is intentionally vague and alarming, designed to provoke curiosity and anxiety.

  3. Blackmail Content: The email claims that a trojan was used to collect private data and record compromising videos, a typical scare tactic used in sextortion scams. These claims are often false but are intended to frighten the recipient into complying without questioning the authenticity.

  4. Demand for Ransom in Cryptocurrency: The scammer requests payment in Bitcoin to an address provided in the email. Cryptocurrency transactions are difficult to trace and reverse, making them a common choice for fraudulent activities.

  5. Urgency and Deadline: The email sets a strict deadline (36 hours) for making the payment, pushing you to act quickly out of fear and preventing you from taking time to consider or seek advice.

  6. Threat to Distribute Private Information: The scammer threatens to send compromising material to your contacts if you do not comply, intensifying the pressure to pay.

  7. Anonymous and Untraceable Threat: The scammer mentions not living in your country and warns against trying to deceive them, adding an extra layer of supposed security and anonymity to their threats.

  8. Manipulative Language: The use of shame and the threat of ruining your life are emotional manipulations meant to coerce you into acting against your better judgment.

Given these red flags, it is advisable not to respond, click any links, or make any payments. Instead, consider reporting the email to the appropriate authorities and seek guidance on how to proceed securely.